I do bee sting treatments for Lyme. There is actually scientific research that it kills bacteria. It’s been a treatment, apitherspy, for thousands a years. It’s known to aid arthritis patients and help symptoms of MS.
I do bee sting treatments for Lyme. There is actually scientific research that it kills bacteria. It’s been a treatment, apitherspy, for thousands a years. It’s known to aid arthritis patients and help symptoms of MS.
Yeah who is the wife? Who got the pic? I am so confused. A woman sent it to his wife? Or to him? I don’t know.
As a woman, I have been dismissed by ER doctors and told I was wasting their time. They patronized me the entire time and dismissed my pain.
I have a best friend (former) who I suspect has BPD. She suffered abuse from a narcisstic parent and has spent the last 10 years with various food addictions and anger issues. Our relationship fell apart when she told me that my chronic health issues were because I refused to get psychiatric help.
Do these ‘milk’ substitutes need to be nutritious? I get most of my nutrition from my food, not my beverages.
I made that mistake.
I would never go to a male gyno. I’m not having a dude stick his fingers up my vagina. Nope nope.
Same. I was raped during consensual sex. Later, I had sex with him consenually.
I had to wear ‘Bermuda shorts’ In high aschool, basically no higher than 3 inches above the knees. I def violated this many times and had to wear the ugly skirt once. It was a little much, but on the flip side I don’t think girls should be wear shirts that expose their butt cheeks at school.
I would have loved school uniforms. I had to buy dozens of different pants for school and dozens of shirts. We could not wear anything with graphics on them, but jeans were ok.
Are you saying 1 death (of which the person did not have an epipen handy) means a treatment is dangerous?
I have begun using bee sting therapy to treat my arthritis and fibromyalgia. It has helped so many people. I find the comments here disheartening. Just because something is featured on Goop doesn’t mean it’s not effective. People have been usingbee sting therapy since before the interent.
Why did she have to tell us about having unprotected sex with the Donald. Ugh I can’t erase it every time I see a picture of her now. It was just TMI
Actually this is a great therapy. It was the only thing that helped my grandfathers rheumatoid arthritis. My mom used to collect the bees and freeze them and when his hands stopped working, he would sting himself.
When my grandmother passed I went through her recipe books. I’ve never seen so many ‘family circle’ recipes in one place. Every recipe she had was clipped from a magazine, each one promoting a certain brand of packaged food. We threw them all out because we cook mostly from scratch. But I do miss grandmas yellow cake…
Actually in Rhode Island our Democrats are actually republicans in disguise, cause they can’t win elections as republicans.
I was trying to figure out what that was. It was not a bruise or birthmark but a random tattoo seemed unlikely.
I’m always in the greys. Whatever!
Are you trying to blame Rose for this woman suicide? Rose is in pain but exposing the truth is not the problem here.
Those mask won’t protect you from other people, just keep you from coughing on them. You’d need an N95 mask.