
Agreed! I’m not gonna lie, I wore pajamas to college classes sometimes. But high school we had a dress code. School is not an extension of your home. Its school. You don’t need to ‘express yourself’ while at school. I remember how stressful it was to have to wear something different everyday in high school.

I agree. Uniforms are the way to go. My school had a dress code, you could wear jeans and T-shirts and shorts, but no clothing with writing on it, no tank tops for boys or girls.

The Richard III society maintains that Edward IV married Eleanor Butler in secret, then married Elizabeth Woodville while Eleanor Butler was still alive, thus Titulus Regious establishing his nephews with Woodward iligitimate. If the original marriage existed, then Richard would be the rightful heir. Also, it’s never

The Richard III society maintains that Edward IV married Eleanor Butler in secret, then married Elizabeth Woodville while Eleanor Butler was still alive, thus Titulus Regious establishing his nephews with Woodward iligitimate. If the original marriage existed, then Richard would be the rightful heir. Also, it’s never

I think her look doesn’t age well. Its very harsh and angular, which looks good young but I don’t foresee her aging well. Ivanna doesnt look so hot but maybe it’s all the fillers and injections.

Yes, so sick of this. Just went to a baby shower where the upper middle class couple was literally showered with about 40 onsies. Meanwhile I can’t buy my own clothes for myself but I had to buy a diaper bag for her kid even though the parents both work full time jobs and I’m struggling.

The problem isn’t laughing about the fake dong. It’s this description: Celeste rejected his sexual offer

I can wear leggings and pass the ‘bare minimum Of decency”

Wait, there is a dress code for first class? Is first class like still stuck in the 1960s where you dress up while flying?

People like to use things like this as poof of false rape being a huge problem. But the truth is, her story broke down during the investigation. Which is how it works. The amount of people who get pass this stage and into trial based on false accusations has got to be very small. How long did this idiot last? A few

Yeah which is why I don’t wanna judge Paris. Her life is hard enough. I don’t like how as a society we are obsessed with how much of what each person is. Yes, it’s strange when she says she’s black. But none of my business. Rachel Dolezol I just don’t know what to say, she was raised white and apparently found it too

I feel bad for these kids. It’s no ones business whether or not MJ is the biological father. Of course as a nation we are obsessed with this kind of thing. Personally, i don’t think they are. He appears to have told them they are black..they don’t *seem* to be biracial, but it isn’t out of the realm of possibility

I get what the teacher was trying to do, but it’s so insensitive.

Yes my feelings too. That’s why it’s called, pro-choice. Because you have the right to make that choice at that particular time. People’s thoughts and feelings change over time. I would have gotten an abortion if I had gotten pregnant in my teens. Being childless in my 30s, likely the only reason would be health

Yes so true. It’s going to be easier for my sisters fiancé since he is from the U.K., but it’s going to a few hundred dollars and months. My family friend from a Muslim nation, took 5 years to get his wife over here. His WIFE. He had to leave his kids for several years. He’s highly educated and got a job and

People keep hammering on about “doing it the right way.” There is no way for these people. If you apply for citizenship, you cannot be living in the US. You would have to go back to your native country and wait, 10,20 years. But good luck with that, it’s not easy to get in. My sister’s finance is from the U.K., he has

Yeah I’d love to do this, but I’m a caretaker with no backup. I’d probably get fired. 😩

I think living in the suburbs, we just Don’t have these. Teenagers and adults are constantly injuring themselves and getting into fatal accidents. Many times the kids are not wearing helmets.

I thought Obama was being tyrannical with all his executive orders. But when trump does it, he’s getting shit done.

I can’t with these people. I do not believe pro-life activists can be feminists. If they feel excluded, maybe it’s their fault.