
But what about... THE TWILIGHT ZONE? :O

What app is that?

That's a shame :(.

You mean "if he were* a good dad."

Wait, AT&T's actually doing something nice for the customer?

Heh. Reminds me of those moving Harry Potter photographs.

Oh hey, it worked :D

Photos don't even save to camera roll for some reason on my 4S. Pretty useless and broken tweak.

So would this be considered cannibalism?

Oh I see what you did there.

But how's the audio quality? It sounded kinda lame in the video.

I just use Boxcar for push email notifications.

Why don't all games use iCloud for game saves? It'd be like Steam Cloud, only for iOS.

Nope. Why cover up Jonathan Ive's beautiful design with some crappy case? I keep my iPhone naked. Everything's better naked.

Oh...when I read "enhance," I thought the article would tell me how to "enhance" photos like in CSI.

What people consider obvious is still a hypothesis until it's scientifically tested, and not all hypotheses turn out correct.

My thoughts exactly. Who does "they" refer to? Women or men?

Since when was Fox News a reliable tech news (or any type of news) source?

It looks like freakin' clip art.