
What's with the slow roll-out? Why can't they just make https their default for everyone? (signed in or not)

Am I the only one that actually likes this? Hi-res textures and nice pseudo-realistic design. And hey, it's a touch screen, so it's always nice to have textures. Feels more natural.

An hour and still no correction 8D

So they'd still be killing all the passengers in the hijacked plane...

Really Badly*

Brought to you by Aperture Science

Heh. This reminded me of GLaDOS@Home

What about Black Mesa? And City 17? Those are some really amazing logos.

Seriously? This is nothing new. Games like TinyTower have had this bug and have fixed them. Changing your device's time to cheat in a game also works with other non simulation games like the Inception app. You can just change the time to 11pm to unlock the "Sleep" Dream. There's also a Fruit Ninja achievement for

I've got a sad little 5GB with my raincloud plan.

I really wish NASA would use this. Anything to get the cool old NASA (worm) logo back.

I wonder how the HL2 citadel compares in height to these buildings

Lately whenever I read/hear "in the name of science," I think of Aperture Science XD

Hopefully this isn't what the iPhone 5 looks like. Because this looks like the 3G. Major step backwards -_-

If this is the real thing, it sure is a step backwards. From the polished ultra-sleek iPhone 4, to the new iPhone 5 that really looks like an iPhone 3G?

Damn it you beat me to it! XD

iFile is where it's at...

iFile is where it's at...

Meh. It's way too laggy on my 4th gen iPod Touch