
Exactly correct on all points.

As a Texan, I’m pretty at odds with this decision. I want Elon and Tesla here but the last thing we need is more Californians. I already won’t live anywhere near my place of birth, Austin, as it is.


You must be joking. Every girl I dated in HS was from a family that moved here recently from other states. It is one of the most prosperous states in the Union. We do expect you to work for prosperity here, however.

Just reading comments like this brings to mind of stepping in fresh, warm dog shit.

Shit, Ben, don’t scare me like that. My next purchase was going to be a black 5spd SC300. I’ve always wanted the three Toyota brothers in my garage. I’ve got the SW20T and the ST-205 finished aside from paint on one. Because Supra prices are just ridiculous I’m opting for the SC in it’s place.

It still holds up today. As does Aliens.

Given that it is now paved, Pike’s Peak will forever be owned by my all-time dream car: The Pike’s Peak Celica 10:04. It’s been my muse for decades and is the reason I ever bothered to build my own ST-205 WRC here in the states a dozen years ago. Sorry, I know it’s not relevant to the conversation but I couldn’t

You’re familiar with engine swaps? People generally like to start with a nice clean, low mileage body.

I do appreciate a fully realized, and realistic, female protagonist in an action movie and Sara Conner was one of a rare few that was extremely well done and believable. But my loyalty, in that regard, must always fall to Ellen Ripley in Aliens. I’d follow her orders into any xenomorph nest she required me to be in.

Sure did. Didn’t even see your comment or I wouldn’t have bothered since you covered it perfectly.

V6 FWD = 164hp

I’m with you, that spoiler is awful.

You’re thinking of ten years when they were at the bottom of their depreciation curve. Almost anything 1990's Japanese sports car is worth double now what it was ten years ago.

First off - Dodgy AF. The Dodges were the uglier version, this one has none of the good bits from the VR4 and it’s FWD. Add to that the less than stellar reliability and it’s a hard no way - at ANY price (But especially not that price).

His&Her’s power memory seats are exactly what is required in my Lexus LS that I let my GF drive when she needs to. She gets in and presses one button and it makes 11 adjustments to fit her 5'3" 110lb self perfectly. I can’t fit in that space but, thankfully, the other button is on the door so I can press it and wait


Nope, I had both a Celica/Supra and quite a few Celicas. Celicas were always I4s while Celica/Supras were always I6s. You might be thinking of the last RWD Celica GTS which had half the additional bodywork of the Celica/Supra but retained the Celica’s 22-RE I4 and not the Supras 5M-GE.

Both of mine still run great after decades of running high boost levels. The one in my MR2 just turned 30yo this month. Apparently 3S-GTE’s ARE for life.

What’s a Covid?