The ethical aspect is what drove me to go veg. Saving money, eating healthier, and doing the right thing? Can’t go wrong with that combo.
The ethical aspect is what drove me to go veg. Saving money, eating healthier, and doing the right thing? Can’t go wrong with that combo.
Haha, my thought too! I grabbed Patterns of Software to occupy my commute since it's a PDF and sounds like an epic read.
I’ve managed to get into a daily meditation practice for the last four months after years of start-and-stop effort. I began to hit walls since I have no guide or group to meditate with. To improve my results I’ve been trying different amounts of caffeine, times of day, strategies, etc. Last week I tried the free…
You can use this recording technique to improve a lot of other skills: public speaking, body language, gait, vocal tonality, etc. It could be especially powerful (and trippy) if used with complex tasks like cooking a new recipe. Maybe you could go over the video and see, “Hm, next time I should have the olive oil…
I have been self-tracking various metrics (mood, diet, etc) for a few weeks now and displaying them in a dashboard. I’m going to make a little list for myself today, predicting where I will fall on each metric by the end of the day and see if there is any noticeable difference... I’m excited already! Haha