
Yeah, that’s a picture from a PREVIOUS time a Tesla on Autopilot killed a motorcyclist, as noted in the caption of the image. 

its not that self driving cars are a bad idea, its that testing them with stupid ass consumers behind the wheel is one

This is so infuriating. Fuck that guy who decided whatever bullshit was on his phone was more important than driving. And fuck techbros for their Self Driving car bullshit. I hope the family of the motorcyclist sues the crap out of them.

Autonomous Robotaxis- this is how much the US hates the idea of just improving public transit. Like, seriously, you could take a fraction of the amount of cash it will take to develop a functional autonomous taxi and just invest in improved public transit everywhere. Oh look, we’ve made buses and trains and trams and

#4 should be #1 it is way more important. I hope the UAW steam rolls the south auto plants. No more kids working for KIA and other BS they getting away with.   

How much of it is corporate purchased housing?  Likely the same percentage as the shortage of needed housing.

16 million empty houses in America.

What I mostly remember about Blur was that they composed the call sign that was going to be used for the British Beagle 2 Mars lander in 2003. This was the mission that was going to show the world that the UK was a serious scientific power again. However, it crashed during landing and was unresponsive. Was the

I never played Fallout Shelter, the vault management sim, but I guess concentrating so much story here is something for those fans?

They have any expensive zydrate habit and she’s their dealer.

WTF, Vampire Weekend??

I went to Coachella when I was 20. Though I had never heard a Jesus and Mary Chain chain song as their biggest hits came out before I was born, I knew I’d be watching them before Interpol came on. So as a functioning adult who is there to you know, have fun, I familiarized myself with the hits so I could enjoy the

I don’t know a lot of Zoomers who are itching to explore lame Britpop bands that were popular when their parents were in high school. It’s not like we’re dealing with Zepplin or Nirvana here.

Yeah Albarn’s comments feel incredibly whiny and entitled. Who would’ve thought a bunch of kids born after 9/11 wouldn’t be intimately familiar with a band that hasn’t been relevant since the Clinton administration? Maybe he needs to stick to boomer and Gen X festivals like BottleRock so he can be with his own people

I mean Coachella is a musical festival for people who dont really like music (but want to be seen liking whoever is in ) , so that was most of the problem.

If your ICE vehicle has a 15-gallon gas tank, but you can never put in more than 7.5 gallons, I think you’d be shocked and angry...

Well, considering it falls well short of the promised range back in 2019 (or so), yes, people expect that they at least tried to get the promised range.

Well when they only make well under 200 miles if you’re hauling anything at all in the bed... yes, they should have packed in more battery capacity!

Yes, yes they are. Because they expect the promised range, and that is how Tesla calculated that range. There is no defending this.

Tesla made a stupid design decision? I’m shocked, shocked I say!