To conservatives, anyone who isn’t a rabid Q-follower is “the left.”
To conservatives, anyone who isn’t a rabid Q-follower is “the left.”
“I have nothing else bad to say about the opposition, guess I’ll just claim they’re pedophiles.” - GOP, 2022
One day i am sure you will get to covering the words you used in your english class. Until then best to refrain from using them, so you dont continue to use them incorrectly.
So you’re telling me that this bit of empty media posturing that was intended to position DeSantis for his White House bid and fire up his base of people who love meth but hate gays, minorities, and immigrants may not have been carefully and soberly thought through?
Hush now, the grownups are talking.
If she wasn’t ducking service, then Jason’s lawyer would have called her lawyer, and the lawyer would have accepted service. Instead, she made him work for it, so the process server shows up where she’ll take the hand off. These types of articles are always so frustrating because they leave out any of the wrangling…
It’s entirely possible she was ducking and the process server had tried in the past to get to her in a less high profile moment. She could be the asshole here.
Also, I’m feeling an attitude of ‘how dare he go after her for custody’. Since they weren’t married, they may not have had a formal agreement filed with the…
Love the insane vibes here. “Sure she cheated and destroyed their relationship, but she was really Inconvenienced by this :( :( :( “
Nah. this is totally normal. Stop pretending this is some vile overreach.
The reason all this hurts so bad, is because many of us have been reading the AV Club since the 90s.
This is a pretty good indictment of the Blogging Industrial Complex to me. Bloggers just re-report the same news and instead of going to the primary source, they cite the outlet that they happened to get it from. But the whole thing is like a game of telephone as bloggers have to change enough words to make it their…
This was definitely reported as being a female process server, but such pesky facts would fuck with your obvious intentions here, wouldn’t they? You didn’t write ‘a process server’. No, you wrote ‘a man’, as if the term itself is inherently repulsive. How dare ‘a man’ inconvenience a heroic empowered professional…
No, I’m so fucking tired of all these crackers, bro.
THR first reported on the story, and their coverage mentions it was a “her”:
The Deadline article does not seem to in any way reference the process server’s gender. So they might not be a man as this article alleges, but William didn’t read anything incorrectly, he’s just not correcting his own bias. Which is par for the course, here.
Not usually unless they’ve been evasive and impossible to track down.
It’s pretty funny that she got served custody papers while introducing the movie she made with the guy she left her husband for.
Yeah, people never do shady things to escape responsibility for their kids.
Another fucking bad take from Hughes, add it to the mountain pile.
Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?
When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they…