Or the best. It outs the idiots and haters v quickly.
Or the best. It outs the idiots and haters v quickly.
and most gamers aren’t even developed into people yet so it works.
Ahhhh yes. Criticizing geocide is somehow anti-Semitic. Got it. Cool. Cool.
Leading edge slat. Aluminum coated foam.
LOL. ON a 30 year old airframe?! Get a grip this is 100% the operators maintainers respo. LOL.
Bruh. You can see that it is aluminum sheathed foam. This is an airframe produced in the 90's. Slats are high lift devices in no way necessary for landing. Just have to land faster to prevent a stall.
That was always my impression.
Agreed. This is a super weird review of a tent pole blockbuster. AVClub always skews hard to the indie darlings.
Toyota owners get it. SO much this. Would not consider much else.
That and I absolutely have ditched (4) brand new Michelin Pilots because they are hard, loud, overpriced trash. Fuck Pilot 4$.
I was not sure going in if I would like this, but I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to season 2.
I have a S60 T6 with the superchaged turbocharged 4 banger. NO mechanical issues. 60k miles. Cracked refrigerant line is the only issue I have had and I think that came from hitting a possum.
It’s not free. You are crippled from the experience of getting bodied by a truck. This is the most fucking tone deaf BS I have read. Go pee in a fucking jug shit hauler.
From what I have hear it is not the starter that is most affected, but the cam lifters. At least in GMC’s stop start BS. My S60 has it, but like your mini, I can turn it off once and it never comes back unless I turn it back on. I hate stop start.
I want to know what the dividing line is. I grew up in those exact conditions, just went through a divorce, am a white male. I didn’t fall into the Q Turd misogynism rabbit hole. Why? Why did they? That is what really bugs me.
Awwww. 2 miles?! The inconvenience you must feel. Not sure how you have managed to keep on living.
You can be as much of an idiot as you want in private, but when you are in public it makes you a danger to myself and others. Just no.
Agree. I roadtrip around Texas for work and 85 is way too fast, especially for lifted bro dozers and freight.
Yup. Tundra with 210000 checking in. ‘14 and have had no issues. Next vehicle is their new downscale Landcruiser. They just fucking work forever.
This 100%. I will NEVER own a CVT in any form. I actually shopped subie recently and went with an AWD S60 (used) instead because: real transmission, better fuel economy, nicer interior, more hp, no fedora vape image issues.