
and it is made two separate times in the above article. 

Lot of work for not a lot of return IMO. 

You are a classless fucking turd and deserve to die painfully in a fire. Fucking shitstain.

That tail light looks like it should see a DR and get some medication. 

This is one of the most depressingly accurate commentaries on where new vehicles and their owners are trending that I have ever read.

Wait until you find the frame rust to crow bud.

I was going to post this one.....

I really like it. Depending on MSRP markups I’m thinking about one. About time to replace the Tundra. 

concur. badly....

50k to start. I’m sold. This is what I hoped the Bronco would be, but that ended up just a big sack of divorced dad energy.

The Bronco looks like the vehicular rendering of a fedora and a vape mod’s offspring compared to this. That is to say it looks like shit and this looks great.


Had my ‘14 Tundra for 200k and 10 years. It still runs like the first 100k. No rattles, etc and everything works. 

Uh. Sequoias are in no way cheap. TRD is over 100k. They start at around 60 from what I have seen, but have yet to see one on a lot for any less than 80k.

My exact thought when I learned the outbreak is in central Florida. 

All cops can eat my entire fucking ass. If they can’t do their jobs because I am being rude and completely within my rights, they need another career and a timeout because they are fucking toddlers. I deal with aggravating and aggravated people everyday. You know what I don’t due? Break the law, abuse them and their

Don’t forget that are roads are utter and complete shit. Making this an even more dangerous activity.

Any food production industry. 

Don’t forget the un-hinged gun nut demographic.

*sort of like if the mid-00s Altima was an entire model lineup*