
Welcome to Texas. For work you drive a white HD truck with a ladder rack. For play you drive a colored, lifted HD truck with spacers and a Trump 2024 sticker if you claim to be classy and a LGB sticker if you don’t. Oh and don’t forget the ubiquitous assault rifle sticker and step on snek sticker. I hate where I

Man who creates brain chips and tortures animals to death with said brain chips has thoughts on morality....

Now do China.....

My brother in Christ, no one and I mean no one cares anything about a Florida without Disney.

LOL. Don’t worry all us “libruls” mock you GOP cultists relentlessly all the time. Just let the fact that you and you entire crusade of fuckbois are nothing but a cruel “patiot culture” joke to the rest of us, marinate in that thick head of yours for the rest of your life. We ARE laughing at you, in public and in

I recently cross shopped them. No they: handle like shit, have shit visibility and are way overpriced.

That isn’t camping homie. This is RV’ing. They are not the same. 

Bitch I grew up in San Francisco. I have had my share of run-ins with aggressive homeless / disturbed mentally ill folks. You know what I have never done?! Fucking killed a one of them. Fuck all the way off you perpetually aggrieved snowflake.

OH yeah? Show me the lie.........

He’s not going to let you fellate him dude. 

Yup. Just traded my wife’s escape in due to this. Loved that thing, but that tranny hit felt like it would break badly eventually or sooner. Traded it in like it was stolen. 

LOL. Why not? We will in the next 5 years when they decide they are man enough for the task. They are still scared currently. Mostly bullying small SEAN nations. 

Easy gramps you’re starting to sound like the fun police....

Dude I live 2 hours south of Houston. It is a fucking curse. SO many mall crawlers that are driven by absolute morons that cannot control their supremely difunctionally modded vehicles.

LOL. You mean what China is in turn doing to any country it can within it’s sphere of “influence”? Come off the “poor china” BS. Stealing IP / lack of innovation is probably much worse for their future than any of the other multitude of “bombs” (real estate defaults, aging populace, etc) that will affect them

Oof. I feel for your husband. I also feel for you. What a way to go through life....

No. Just really glad your horrible generation is dying out and there is nothing that you can do to change that. The world will be much better without you in it. 

No one cares about a 40 year old movie, or boxing in general for that matter. LOL. 

NO one cares, just hurry up and desiccate and blow away in silence boomer....

What an absolutely, sacrilegiously horrible take. JFC. I can’t even tell if this is serious or trolling......