I just read this interview with Thompson and she comes off like an elitist phony.
I just read this interview with Thompson and she comes off like an elitist phony.
#2 is everything.
It’s called humble brag.
I think he looks like his Uncle John who's doing 10 years for abusing two boys.
Then she’s fucking tone-deaf. I guess she hasn’t heard about the feelings people are having toward huffman and the others.
According to Prince Harry no one should have more than 2 because climate change.
Can they do that tho? I thought the fake cheating scandal went away because no one gave it oxygen.
He really doesn't have to stretch that far either.
Or, more likely, arrested for beating the shit out of someone.
This Is the correct response.
Did she think this was a flattering photo?
“New potatoes have thin, wispy skins and a crisp, waxy texture. They are young potatoes and unlike their fully grown counterparts, they keep their shape once cooked and cut. They are also sweeter because their sugar has not yet converted into starch, and are therefore particularly suited to salads.”
Right on sister. Or brother.
I couldn’t tell his characters apart. And Zoe Kazan is wasted as well.
Gyllenhaal is far and away the best part of deuce. Unfortunately, she’s only part of the show.
The “central park five bitch” as you refer to her (cause you’re a cunt) is more commonly known as the Central Park jogger. She has no memory of the attack and NEVER identified ANYONE. In fact, her injuries were so extensive she was expected to die.
Dynasty for the 21st century.
But you’re not a big swinging dick heading a television network in a field way more people want to work in than there are jobs.