
-_- You didn't see any irony typing that?

Okay Goerge I couldn't remember the name of it when I posted but to back your point up kinda it is the Gemini Paraglider, I promise what you're suggesting was thought of long ago.

Not as surprising as looking through my telescope only to find the moon on water.

Wow, did you know you came here written with troll on your forehead? Okay aerodynamics cadet! I have a family member at NASA who actually killed himself over the question of how to handle the 'less dense air' on mars... A BIGGER CHUTE!? How could he not have seen it before!!

Quite the contraire, very good decision to cast him. Often times casters miss the wildcard, this movie will do well. The man is a professional, he understands the responsibilities better then a writer or a day commenter like myself. Don't forget nothing like this is official until the trailer hits. Solid list of

Epic carbon fiber axe throw.. no further reference.

I utilize this service as is and will pretend I never heard about this, whatever parts of the service I can still utilize, I will. Pretty simple really.

Thank you guy 2 for being the guy who realizes the entire species wants to see this. Screw that lady trying to censor this footage, even the President will take a peaksee


When I was about 6, I was snorkeling with a stick in my hand in the Caribbean. I located a jellyfish and honed in. The instant I heard my dad tell me not to do it I viciously attacked the predator so my pops couldn't stop me. To my surprise poor thing vanished %100 percent with a few stick swoops. As I turned

What's with Jelly Fish and infinity!!!!!???

Well sir,

This man comes from a land of bullshit liars

I may be an asshole too cuz if I sat next to you and saw you use your ipad, I'd hit the flight attendant button and tattle tail right in front of you... I love doing this its hilarious.

Scientific method says that you need to be able to repeatedly recreate an identical given outcome from an identical set of inputs in order to have a proven causality. We are unaware of any repeatable proven definite link between any type of regular consumer electronics on a plane and any type of problem with the

See what you can do and get back to me.

The only people that think no one deactivates their devices are those that don't.

"You may now use electronic devices during the entire duration of the flight."