
The problem I’ve always had with rally games is that the car selection contains almost nothing that appears in American rally. The closest in Dirt Rally 2 was a Ford Fiesta, but it was permanently locked to a paddle shifter and you couldn’t change it. So I ended up racing a Mini Cooper with an H-pattern shifter most

In the time it took you to write this, you could’ve just accepted that some people like something you don’t like.

Bezos contracted with a company to build the boat. The company made all the arrangements in cooperation with the city. Bezos didn’t do any of that, so why not be accurate? “Bezos’ Contractor Did Not Need To Dissemble Bridge”. How hard is that?

It’s a shame that a crash test sled has a better wheel and tire combo than most Bro-Dozers

Any HU that also incorporates vehicle settings is just bad. Bad, bad, BAD! They are worse than the AM-only double-DIN that came in your early-70s car.

Ever since I was a kid I always thought the perfect car would have an automatic column shifter AND a 5-speed manual in the console and you could just use whichever you liked depending on your mood.

They’re just like riding a bike, you kinda just do it without thinking. What really gets you is stop and go traffic which unfortunately there are more of.

good choice. i would have bought one if i were in the market for a “family” car... and the regular v60 not the v60 cross country.

Agree, and just put my $$$ where my mouth is and bought a new Volvo V60

seconded as an alltrack and SUV owner!

Station wagons are better than SUV’s.

Best of luck in your future endeavors, its been a pleasure reading your work here. Especially the mad ravings of Torch.

I hate the whole we are leaving but won’t tell you where yet. Like come on, at least wait until you are ready with that to drop the bomb.

Same, Tracy and Torch were the only thing keeping this site in my daily rotation, so Jalop will be getting subbed out for whatever their next project is

My parents had a 1985 Ford Crown Victoria. All windows rolled down (although the rears only halfway) and they *did* spring for A/C, thankfully. Idling too long with the A/C on would sometimes cause the engine to overheat, although it was a little bit unclear that was what was happening because there were no engine gaug

So, now that summer’s coming and you may find yourself in the back seat of a (non-1980s GM A- or G-body or 1981 K-car)"

The two genders of rugged individualists - SUV and 4 door pick-up.

Back when Bugs were cheap and readily available enough to be used for campy self-expression, these were a common enough sight, which I guess let you take the piss out of pretention and give the little car a useful increment of frunk space at the same time. A Continental kit for the other end was optional.

Except for the true rebels. They all have the same black Harley-Davidson.