
Apparently my XJ Cherokee isn't ideal enough now...

They’re actually pretty decent with the 3.5 HO swapped, only problem is that the 2.7 had to eat itself at barely 115,000 for us to discover this...

Angry eyes on Jeeps. Also that cheap ass stick on trim that people put on every edge if their car.

I’m surprised nobody brought up the VW Microbus.

What about the XJ though?

As an Oregonian, I REALLY hope at least some of these people are joking.

AMC Eagle. Some car people will respect you, everyone else thinks you’re an idiot that gonna get stuck.

So meh, SwedishFish didn’t remember

My family has an ‘01 Accent Hatch with a manual. It’s fun to drive because I don’t give two fucks about it.

I’d be interested in the 0-60 freefall acceleration of a beetle, so my stupid sticker would make sense.

You, sir, are either wrong, or you drive an extremely fun Prius.

You scared me there. How old does a car have to be to be to be registered as antique?

Driving is decent so long as you like using the handbrake to make every turn.

Maybe they were referring to it’s origins, the Falcon Sprint? Or they just made a mistake.

I’d subscribe.

VW Beetle you press down on the shifter (or pull on your trigger shifter 😉) then go left and down.

Boy I have some news for them.

Back in the ‘80s, my dad drove a Dodge Colt with a 5-speed and a 2-speed rear end. People looked at him like he was crazy going through 10 speeds and going nowhere.

It just needs Nokia N-Gage support.

I wonder how big those wheels and tires are... Imagine getting some TSL Boggers custom made...