
A lot of people have been talking about how to avoid this kind of accident. Some were saying that tractors should not be allowed inside the walls, but that's not going to work because you *have* to clear crashed cars out of the way.

A few years back, there was a traffic accident near where I lived that involved a driver hitting an excavator that was parked on the side of the expressway in a construction zone. The driver was only doing 45 mph or so, but it still proved fatal. Ever since then, I've cringed a little bit whenever I see one of these

To be fair, this is the only coffee-foam vw bug I have ever seen.


If you zoom in close enough, you can really see it.

I have been riding lift Served downhill trails since the early 2000's, but I don't think even the gnarliest Double Black Diamond Runs at Mammoth, North Star or Whistler even compare to the stuff these guys are doing in Utah.

I used to think that too, but now I'm not so sure. I started riding some lift-served downhill this year after many years of "Old Man XC(tm)". There are 10 year olds launching off some pretty scary stuff. To them it's all about progression. Start small. Master it. Move on to something bigger. The guys are the

Axis Port:

I believe you are forgetting something...



I always thought the Legacy looked much better than the Outback

I thought Gawker was trying to stop these kinds of photos.

Now playing

You should also wear a seatbelt when backing up.

Seeing as no one was injured;

In my day, sports cars had two and a half cylinders and a single barrel carburetor that exploded every 15 miles. Why, none of this fancy "reliability" or "power curve" nonsense. Our sports cars electrocuted you if you touched any bare metal surface. And we liked it. We LOVED it! Traction control. Ha! Radial tires!