Ned Frey

But this probably was a lawful arrest. She was breaking the law by running in the street instead of the sidewalk. I’m sure it’s a piddly, minor offense, but her response was unwarranted. She should have just moved to the sidewalk.

That was fascinating and inspiring. Thanks for sharing that!

I like Rimando! Why isn’t he getting more opportunities?

Why are you giving Youtube such a hard time here, but not Tumblr???

It should be illegal for companies to force employees to sign unenforceable contract restrictions in the first place.


Kinja needs a “commenter summoning” button.

Companies foist enenforceable contract restrictions on employee behavior all the time. Even though they’re unenforceble, they often have the effect of motivating desired behavior anyway — because many employees don’t know they’re unenforceable and think they’ll get in legal trouble if they don’t obey them.

The main problem here that I see is that she’s characterizing aspects of native-American religions as “magical.” Once you describe spirual beliefs that way, you’re trivializing them and holding them beneath the level of true “religions.”

As somebody who doesn’t live in the USA and is therefore not drowning in a morass of racial neuroses, I don’t find anything remotely offensive ...

Of course not! After all, what’s wrong with this?

Yes, a life not spent pointlessly ruining somebody else’s fun is a joyless life indeed.

her damaging 1996 speech calling black youth “super-predators”

Ooh. That’s good.


This story is sounds rather unbelievable, and is told entirely from one source, apparently: This kid’s parents.

She was 15, not 14.

Since you named yourself “Higgernater,” sounds like you probably wouldn’t be uncomfortable wearhing that Hitler stache yourself.

This is nothing. At my college, local police sicced attack dogs on us when we ran out on the field after winning our home game. Several students were seriously injured from the dogs.

Football is the only one of the four major sports where one team’s defending end is not predetermined (think benches in hockey and basketball).