
This is a country of laws. Our freedoms exist because of those law are enforced, we can not pick and choose which laws we enforce to suit our current mood.

If they chose to not respect Federal law all Federal funding should be stripped from them and any city/state organizations who support their defiance.

Do you not


I’m not sure how this necessarily makes sense. The key word I see here is “illegal” immigrants. I have no problem with people who want to immigrate to the US. I have a problem with people bypassing the system and taking advantage of government resources without the government knowing they are here. Does any other

I have family and friends who ride BART to work every day, and they are not pleased with how crowded it has become - especially since there’s been an influx of transients and beggars.

Stranger never said that folks without money shouldn’t be allowed to immigrate here, Stranger is just describing the noble effort his/her family undertook to FOLLOW the LAW in order to become citizens and bring their family members over.

My condolences to you and your family in regard to your father. I would hope that the American citizen that killed your father was punished accordingly. If said American was illegally residing in that foreign country, I would hope they were deported after serving their sentence. The point I was making was that

They are ALL deportable under the law.

My family immigrated legally from Colombia, so I’m from the Americas by birth and a legal U.S. citizen as we went through the process. As I apparently fit all of your criteria, I’d be happy to show each of them the door personally if it would make you less squeemish.

We’re not executing them; we’re kicking them out of our nation for violating our law!

They already identify themselves with MS 13 tattoos. The illegals being deported belong in the country of their birth. They have done NOTHING to make this country and Western civilization what it is. OUR families and WE did that - many of us losing family members or body parts in the process.

Give me a break. No one is sending illegals to gas chambers or putting them in cattle cares. You are pathetic.

If you’re here illegally you should know imprisonment is the end result. It’s like feeling sorry for a bank robber who got caught and thrown in the slammer.

The bias is injected right into the title. Jorge deliberately left out the illegal part in the title. Because “Ice swept up 367 illegal immigrants in raids across the country” would not have the desired affect.

I couldn’t have agreed more. DEPORT THEM OUT NOW. Once a person is deported once, and is caught again, shot on sight!

If you are in the US by illegal means, you have no right to stay here, and you will be taken away. If you immigrate by legal means, the law protects your right to be here.

According to ICE, 30 of the 31 individuals arrested in New York had some sort of criminal record: Twelve of them were detained for DUIs; four had drug-possession related charges; one was charged with heroin possession; another four had fraud charges.

The fact that you are trying to say that Drunk driving isn’t a serious offense for an individual who is not legally in our country is ludicrous. Tell that to any family of someone who has died at the hands of a drunk driver - it only takes one time for it to be a fatal mistake. Additionally, an illegal alien having

maybe the majority of illegals are from south or central america .

I detect bias in this story, perhaps Jorge has an ulterior motive?

I was once in Tapachula, Chiapas Mexico, and I did not have proper documentation, and let me tell you, the Mexican immigration took me to the Guatemalan border and basically told me to get!! Guess what?? No advocasy for me or media coverage, nothing!!! And I am not, was not angry, technically I was in Mexico illegal,