Preach. Seriously, Apple music is vastly superior in so many ways.
Preach. Seriously, Apple music is vastly superior in so many ways.
So many reasons I am not using Spotify, Where do I even begin?
Not to mention Apple also has Atmos (multichannel) music as well.
You don’t, embrace it! Agreed on the glasses but I’ll go further, for 3500 bucks, you shouldn’t need prescription lenses, it should be adjustable enough of a focus for most people at that point. I don’t need progressives for it after all, just something in a range I can actually focus on. And after having special…
Trump is a fascist moron. Desantis is a complete weirdo with the personality of wet paper towel, but he is an intelligent fascist. Definitely way worse.
Really should put them based on order of appearance. And another note before delving into Jedi Survivor spoilers.
Warframe, sure. WoW, sure. Both are all over the place.
Is it still considered piracy if you already pre-ordered the game and just want to play it sooner on superior hardware?
You know straight people aren’t the only stoners right?
The farcry 3 segment was amazing, what do you mean “but all the queer folks knew this was lame as hell” seems a bit strange
Way to misinterpret the message of the video (there is no ethical consumption in a capitalism society) while also dismissing the sexual and physical abusers Dunkey highlighted in said video.
Between none of the reporting describing the “prank” and a cursory view of their channel, in addition to their statement that they’ll continue “pranking”, I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.
You might be right, I could’ve sworn they didn’t have that dot in their name before though.
Doesn’t negate all the weird behavior at the offices as documented by his coworkers.
What spoilers?
Spoil away, we’ll all be watching a torrent soon anyways. I liked the first Shazam, but everything about DC films is tainted for me right now due to how poorly they have treated people like Cavill, Snyder, and Greg Berlanti.
Just kill him in a cameo...or put the voice actors from the game and kill them. Fuck Zachary Levi.
He also played the game, had a Warlock main.