Necros Dante

Some people have made it their entire identity to attack people who are planning to play this game as bigots or bigot enabling and I just can’t with these people. I’ve donated a not-insignificant amount of my time and money to progressive candidates but im going to enjoy creative mediums and I separate art from

People who don’t want to wait for a game to be shipped to them or someone who is looking to save a little money with a used version. Though I would say these days its not even worth buying used from GS because its barely cheaper than new.

EA was the Microsoft of gaming ... generic and good enough for many people, but never excellent. Now Microsoft is trying to be the Microsoft of gaming instead :)

I would never denigrate the fine company that turned The Sims into a microtransaction and shitty DLC ridden hellscape.  Never!

I think this is one of the other big reasons why representation is so important. It’s really important for us because it lets us see ourselves on the screen, as people, as normal, as heroic (or not), and/or human. But I think it also does the same for everyone else, and I think that’s why bigots and all the folks

Yeah. Straight man here. Loved the game. Love the series. This episode was excellent, emotional, and beautifully made. So far, I have enjoyed the changes from the game. And I appreciate the expanding of the world that is happening. Bill’s letter at the end was such a punctuation mark. Like a film negative version of

Enough talk! HAVE AT YOU!!!

Nick Offerman better win an Emmy for this darn episode.

When you consider that this is basically the first time the game had an unplanned downtime like this, and it lasted for less than a day, it seems crazy for a game that’s been going for 5 years.

HE’S FINE! Just wait till April to see the whole movie to pass judgement.

I remember somebody wrote into EGM years back saying that when playing Halo 2 (which had proximity chat) they would pipe “We Like to Party” by Venga Boys endlessly through their Xbox mic.

i was thinking 24/7 rick roll. but i like your holiday spirit.

Are you trying to get the feature disabled?

You monster!

He said nothing disparaging about the Jewish people. He simply said what the vast majority of Americans already know but are afraid to say out loud: You’re allowed to make observations about every demographic in this country, except one. Pointing out a demographic coincidence that there is a disproportionate

I mean I’m not complaining, it IS anime after all and a lot of it is very fan servicey.  But it’s funny with Denji on one hand he is SUPER innocent and basic, like toast with jam is life changing to him.  And on the other hand it’s like hey Denji why are you doing this and he’s like cause I wanna grab some TITTIES LMAO

The job in a nutshell: keep Ken Penders away from us.

That’s not what a scab is.

I don’t have much of a stake in this as I’ve never been much of a Bayonetta fan either way, but from what I’ve been seeing online the original voice actor’s side of the story doesn’t seem entirely on the up-and-up.