
The good thing about The Great Race is that you can say to yourself, “I’m just going to watch it until they make it to Borracho.” Then they make it there and you can say “I’ll just watch it ‘till they make it to Carpania.” Then they make it there and you think, “I’ll watch it to the Great Pie Fight,” then realize

This is one of my favorite lines from any movie and my wife and I still quote this today! Clouseau’s face when he first looks down at the dog is priceless also!

Does your dog bite?

It really does! I’ve seen it a zillion times over the years (I was a kid when it came out on VHS and it was part of the the trio of comeback movies that introduced me to Bette Midler) and when I watched it a few months I laughed like it was the first time. I don’t even recall it having the casual racism and homophobia

Now playing

Best scene: Judge Reinhold’s inability to stay in soulless salesman mode for more than two minutes, even when Dave is ready to finance for the rest of his life.

Dammit. Just dammit. I was all prepared to be completely dismissive of this until they pulled out ‘Beyond the Sea’ and got a smile out of me.

Thanks for the tip on Dead Set, I must check this out! Charlie Brooker is gold.

Thanks for that. I have also apparently been living in a cave. 

“His handlers.” Oh my God, are you clowns still clinging to that theory?

Disappointing and Tobias Menzies are antonyms.

I love Tennant and Bettany, but Tobias Menzies is fantastic. I’m happy to see him getting more leading roles.

Only if you’re unfamiliar with Menzies. He’s as much of a talent as Tennant and Bettany.

My son started a gun reform group at his school after the Vegas shooting and it’s been growing in support by leaps and bounds, both with students and admin. He’s at the march this morning. He worked with another school (their cross-town rival to kind of make a point about coming together) to charter a bus and get a

You had a DVD? We watched our Monty Python on a bootlegged black and white betamax, that we had to return to the store the day before we rented it!

Who’d a thought thirty years ago we’d all be sittin’ here watching Monty Python on Netflix?

There are skits that are funnier over all, but the one that gets the single biggest laugh from me is “Philosopher’s Football,” namely the moment when the Greeks score, and Hegel and Kant both argue against the call on the basis of apriori knowledge and the categorical imperative, and then Karl Marx jumps in to argue

This isn’t common?

Fox News: A silent woman, an old man yelling, and a shit-eating grin

Meanwhile, all of the company’s fabled “Toys R Us kids” will be forced to suddenly grow up, with horrifically rapid results as they advance to their proper ages.

One of the big risks for landlocked nations with navies is that the captains have so little to do that they end up being rigid martinets to their kids and then fall for the forbidden fruit represented by the perky, mischievous governesses hired straight out of local religious orders. Inevitably you see marriage