
There’s 7 days in a week, so it seems like you’re still a bike short. 

CP. Heavy, underpowered (46 hp!), and parts are hard to find.

This is exactly why most bike people (including myself) tended to descend into the madness of multi-bike ownership.  So many personalities and capabilities ...

If you’re buying a 90's Honda sport tourer, you ought to be buying an ST1100 with double the horsepower. However, I rode my ST to work this morning so I might be *slightly* biased.

I thought I knew a bunch of random cars, but this is one that was totally off my radar. A LaDawri Sebring in... Presidential Orange.

Don’t you dare compare Trump to a pedophile with the barest connection to reality who was shielded from all consequences due to his money. Michael Jackson could sing and dance remarkably well, whereas the President is terrified he will topple down a flight of stairs.

From the posts I’ve see from Waffle House, it looks like they run a incident command structure that resembles the structure that FEMA and other government agencies use.

Too many bucks’in this Bronco. Spend the $17 Large on something more fun, that doesn’t look so weird with the cap removed.  CP.

I do this, and while I generally get laughed at (or at the very least, questioned), I feel great afterwards. Vacations with the wife, bachelor parties or guy trips, weekends away, whatever. At the very least I try to get a run in, but if there’s some sort of gym available that’s where you’ll find me every morning

Did exactly that on my vacation this year. All went very well until I was back to work.. I have a sitting type of job, so it all went downhill very fast. My body still craves all these activites it did, but it has to understand it can’t move for a couple of hours a day :/ (and I have a standing desk, and I bike to go

Me too! I turn 49 in a week. I began describing myself as “almost fifty” around this time last year, all up in fifty’s face like I was trying to start something. I’m going indoor skydiving for my birthday this year. Next year, I’m getting a tattoo.

This is cuter than a basket full of puppies.

Wow, am I the only one who thinks this car is balls-out amazing?

I never learned to shave with a manual razor. I always just used an electric because my dad never taught me how to shave with a blade. Now I am terrified to try.

I only recently learned how to burp. My mother was very much against burping as she considered it crude and poor manners, so no one in my family could burp on command.

“We can’t give everyone free college! Because then rich kids would get free college!—Pete Buttigieg, somewhere, probably.

Jethro Tull is one of the many ‘70s bands my dad and I bonded over. He actually played Wond’ring Aloud for my first dance at my wedding last month. It’s always nice to expose your nerdiness and get comments from fellow nerds.

No one is going to fight you. Jethro Tull is legendary.

On a classic Jeep Cherokee with the bulletproof 4.0 inline six, miles almost don’t matter. It’s a bit like the bean dip I’ve had in the back of my fridge since... *shrugs*...

Thanks everyone for the feedback on the change of poll tool. Based on the responses, we’ll be going back to the OG poll tomorrow.