
Might as well throw in some comment about Mayweather

50-0. People say he’s boring. He’s also much richer than those people.

This concept is highly exclusive to America/the West and only applies within America/the west, and the minds of America/the West.

Well you’re already using their numbers in your name. Are you white and allowed to do that?


He beat the RNG.

Genwunners are the best genners!

I feel bad for these people, as well as my friends back home in the US that are trying so hard to find a Switch.

I’m living in Phnom Penh and one of the local malls here has at least 20+ Switches sitting around waiting to be purchased. Was very surprised when I showed up to buy a controller to use on my laptop and left

Yeah, but the poster was talking about classic sports teams in relation to the topic... making practically every esports team in existence far, far smaller than any of them. Case in point: the 76ers. 

Have only had Lotteria here in Cambodia. Pretty much the worst fast food restaurant I’ve ever been to.

Your example is only applicable if ADC is not able to wave clear at all. So MF, Graves, etc. won’t have a problem. The roaming support is rarely gone that long, especially if it’s a fast character like Singed, Volibear, or Nunu.

For long time fans such as myself, this generation is muchmore thematically fitting to its respective game and within the spectrum of pokemon itself than almost any other generation.

I know you’re joking but this isn’t an existing cultural value (or valid commentary) amongst the Japanese whatsoever. Quite the opposite actually...

I agree but I also think that this kind of message can be better left to something that doesn’t involve violently shooting and beating the hell out of each other.

My take is that if her being gay isn’t that important for the overall story and to her as an overall character, which honestly iiittt doesn’t seem like it

Are you surprised you got wrecked and didn’t have fun while you also didn’t know what you were doing?

Either you’re sarcastic or you’re coming from League. Which is fair enough, but I personally think it’s a good/better design choice to only regen when it returns if it’s not hit. It might seem strange to you but Jungle monsters in Dota do not instantly regenerate HP when you leave and you can stack them every 1-minute

Call for help makes the game so much harder than ever before. Especially trying to catch anything.

They’ve mentioned it a lot, if you follow reddit or translations of coro coro scans and the various trailers. They’ve had sharpedo, taurus, etc. in basically every one.

that’s the. . .joke.jpeg

It’s probably small enough not to matter.

Given that pretty much all of the other rumors were true, it was said to be more powerful than the ps4...

Not having a hard drive allows it to be so much smaller.

Except most of the PvZ (not 2) games are great.