
Jasmine is Arabian my friend

Corporate human cattle? Isn’t this an optional activity for a free game? If they’re cattle for hanging out in large groups, playing the same game, then you probably have few friends.

Asia is still on lock and I haven’t been able to play but Zapdos is objectively the strongest of the three. (stats, movepool, doesn’t take 50% of its health from stealth rock) Case closed.

That being said....the New 3DS is VERY worth it.

Doubtful. Niantic is owned by Google

dang son i didn’t think someone had the balls to quote three year old data in the same post as quoting New 3DS sales that came out two years later

Resident Evil is a proper noun wtf r u doin

Alright, I admit, he has decent points if all he’s trying to say can be paraphrased into: “You make entertainment, and not anything useful[productivity software], so don’t expect better compensation for skills that you are perfectly welcome to use on something more beneficial to humanity.” Which is what he means by

that one kill with an enemy’s AK ruining the whole thing :(

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Dawngate never failed. Not in terms of failing as a game. It had a massive player base that was actively spending money on the game despite being in open beta and had a budding competitive scene that had just come under official support from the developers. EA pulled the plug out of the blue (for us players, and the

you’re just old fashioned (USA M 22)