Words’ meaning change all the time. Just look at gender. Or nazi.
Words’ meaning change all the time. Just look at gender. Or nazi.
This is what westerners need to understand. Cultural appropriation is a bullshit argument used when you have nothing else to say.
That’s what people like you said about Nintendo releasing their games on mobile devices. So yeah. Pretty embarrassing for you, as they already are part third party even today. So it already happened. Comedy.
Yeah, but that was the point, there isn’t a market campaign concievable that could sugat coat that enough without blatantly lying about what the game is. So rather than being dishonest, they did this. I think it’s commendable, given the circumstances (it clearly wasn’t their idea to make a loot box f2p BR game, but rat…
I disagree that a single player needs to be replayable to be good. That’s your preference. It’s definitely not an absolute metric everyone agrees upon.
I’m sorry, but that’s not what impersonation is. He just lied about his age. That’s as mild as it gets.
Oh man, so long as Titanfall 3 doesn’t get axed, I’m fine with this. Titanfall 2 was so much fun in single player, they really need to make more.
Removing them would be a mistake. Equipment is half the point of BR games. If you want balanced encounters, play regular MP.
Yay my country
Yes, and if you watch enough anime you can clearly tell what race any given character is supposed to be. I’ve only watched maybe 2 anime series and I could tell instantly, here. This is more to do with the west not understanding anime than anything else.
It always astounds me how completely lacking self-awareness authors of such insanely racist articles tend to be. It’s really shocking you can’t look at what you wrote and realize what a racist shithead you are.
ODST is already available as DLC, but yes adding 5 would be pretty great. Releasing on PC would do nothing, sorry.
Disney, please give the SW license to someone else. While I enjoyed Battlefront more than most, I want a publisher that has more respect for the license to take over.
Nothing wrong with you. This is very common in regards to RDR2. Most often dropped game in recent memory.
Yeah, but still way far off. The closest they got was with VR controllers (in actual VR).
Do this for literally any other console and I’m getting it. Seriously, any other, SMS, Genesis, SNES, but obviously I’d prefer PS1/2 or Dreamcast.
Gamifying playing videogames. GTFO
That SSFII screenshot sold me, I’m watching this.
Kinda glad I held out on Steep, even discounted. I’d never play it for any length of time, just wanted to try it out for a bit. So this is perfect.
Unless they get EA/Ubi games on there I don’t care. I’ll still need multiple digital stores.