

It’s like the Michael Bay of all music videos - chock full of cameos, unnecessary explosions, fancy CGI, and yet absolutely no point.

After Bad Blood I think I hit my Taylor Swift limit. I was meh about her and then that video came out. It’s like the Michael Bay of all music videos - chock full of cameos, unnecessary explosions, fancy CGI, and yet absolutely no point.

There was that American guy a few weeks ago who illegally entered Australia after his visa was revoked because of some anti-choice rhetoric.

Northern Ireland is “not Ireland proper” in the same way that New Mexico is “not Mexico proper”

and with our powers combined

Way harsh, Tai.

I think a lot of people are able to be sexually aroused or intrigued by people they would never be drawn to fucking. So Lennon had boycrushes, and gay fantasies, but never really pursued them — and for all we know, he never would have. Or maybe he would have. Who knows, the guy is dead.

I never believed that.

He and Bowie were very close, to the extent that Lennon has a co-writer credit on “Fame,” but even during Lennon’s “Lost Weekend” period I don’t think he ever slept with Bowie.

So really, considering his role in Priscilla, do you think the wife told him “Bye Felicia”

Bowie is too hot for anyone except Iman.

I don’t know, but according to Wikipedia, his parents are British, and he was born in the UK. Moved to Oz when he was a kid. So, ta dah: British-Australian.

Seeing him makes me ravenous.

I love him. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was a very influential movie for me as a teenager and Memento blew my mind as an undergrad. I’m sad he’s divorcing, but I love him even more now for his good attitude and that he had such a long marriage in the first place. Bittersweet.

He’ll always be Mike from ‘Neighbours’ for me...

Best actor EVER. Brilliant in everything he does. Momento and LA Confidential are two of many wonderful performances.