
"This is Deputy Director Bullock reminding you that secrets are meant to be kept. Now, back to the elevator music. Friday night, it was late. I was walking you home. We got down to the gate. And I was dreaming of the night."

Not a fan of the ladies are you Trebek?

In East TN it's kind of a big deal to be both.

"Canadian villain Garth Vader"

You know, just for getting the quote wrong, the KGB agent won. He detonated a nuke thanks to you.

Oh god no. Way, way, way too expensive for me. My mom ended up buying a Batman cookie jar for $200. Hello christmas I suppose.

Eric Bana. Spielberg's gonna be making those sex scenes all kinds of sweaty.

Went home. My mom told me there was an estate sale for a local man who collected comic book memorabilia so we went to check that out. It was only the first of three or sales because he had so much stuff. Portraits, busts, stained glass, licensed merchandise, etc. Also hung out with a friend and my sister.

It's being re-released for ps4 later today actually.


Can't wait to see the "Content continues below advertisement" subplot. Sounds riveting.

Just going to add I see a lot of The Hobbit trilogy too.


He's from the Wee Britain side of South Central LA.

Watched the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman last night. Just to make sure you know you're watching the Ultimate Edition they were nice enough to re-title the movie in the opening credits. First two thirds were actually pretty good (that's where most of the new footage is located and it turns the movie into a bit

Cooked some previously frozen mahi mahi fillets from Whole Foods Monday night. The one I ate for dinner that night was okay but my leftover one for yesterday's lunch was awful. Couldn't even swallow the first bite.

Going home. My mom wants me to go to an auction with her about old comic books and such. Gonna spend time with a friend and my sister and her dogs mostly.

Anyone else see the BvS Ultimate Cut yet? It's better for sure but nothing extraordinary. Third act is still a mess. Movie overall goes from a 5 or so to a 7/10.

Yeah, well I'm taller!

William Faulkner could write a question about work that would really make you think.