
No belts on driver 2.

I know little about lasers. So could someone who knows a lot explain, theoretically, how such a system would be able to adapt to bumpy/rough road conditions? Wouldn't a laser system be fragile as everything would need to be in perfect alignment?

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the Trans Sport never made it off the ground, ask the Silhouette about space.

Audi A5, it as close to flamboyant as one can get before reaching into the too gauche realm for the country club set ( a la green Camaro, orange Challenger, etc.). This is derived from an old money sense of quality but with a new money sense of panache acceptable for an exuberant teen. In this regard color choice

Not specified, but according to the article:

Maybe he's angry because CarMax recognized it was Ozzie and said no to the deal.

Boy: Mr Turtle how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

An easy guide to GM:

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Hey Bowie, do you have one really funky sequined space suit?

"Of course, I would appreciate any studies available on how much more or less effective their methodology is in comparison to the current standard. "

they outline the rear (and some do the front and sides as well) of the buggy in a tape with similar properties to what is on the high visibility vests that highway workers wear.

yes, the ion coupe had small rear suicide doors and was B-Pillar less similar to the Mazda RX8.

If I were to propose a theory, I would argue that "pinch protection" on windows is beneficial partially because there is a short amount of time and distance covered in rolling a window down completely. On a convertible roof however, the distance and the time it would take to return a roof to completely lowered

HOGAN!... vat oh... WINCKEL!!

2 things wrong with #7:

great power release

obese driver go

Note To Self: