It would be much more shocking (to me at least) if he doesn't win. That's taking into account that he used to be Fayez Batman, is a Muslim, and came to the US to learn to fly planes.
when did he get a Firebird?
I can't stand for any movie that involves Carey Mulligan. Not only for her involvement in the piece of crap that is Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (is there a scene in that movie where she doesn't cry, whine, or throw a tantrum?), but because she is a lead character (Daisy) in the remake of The Great Gatsby. Tobey…
the size of the contact patch isn't what matters, its where they are in relation to each other. If you put your feet an inch apart and I pushed against you it would be more difficult to balance than if your feet were shoulder with apart.
I, for one, am glad someone in the American auto industry has finally said something without running it through the PR department, the legal team, industry focus groups, consumer advocacy groups, and the UAW. I wish more execs in general would be this passionate about their product. After all which is more fun for…
What can I say my Google Maps is strong. Did you notice the Starbucks at the Target and the Safeway and by the In-N-Out? That has to be the most jittery parking lot in Lodi, not meth related.
I blame the Red Light Challenge. They just keep shouting out the same wrong answers over and over. It is enough to make you want to kill.
Historically that was so, but now Geek Squad is Best Buy's overall brand name for all installation and repair services.
so... cognitive dissonance/cognitive disequilibrium and self-concept rationalization? I have to believe that current requirements for informed consent has greatly hampered legitimate experimentation in psychology. I can't imagine that the world of publish or parish professors really want to repeat the same studies. I…
...Your mission location is Norway!
I was relatively indifferent to the last magnum but that rendering looks like a raked hearse. The large hatch, rectangular tail lights, wide C pillar, and the half rear window proportion makes it perfect for casket entry and exit. It just needs an orange funeral sticker.
I must say I instantly became enamored with the lady when she didn't hesitate stepping into the snow wearing heels.