
Many cars makers have bowed to the simple dream of the ipad. For example this 1961 Jaguar Mark ix. people thought it was just a table, but they had all already seen the light of Jobs and knew the cult of Apple was nigh.

The US Grand Prix official made the first mistake by not offering each committee member a basket of artisanal cheeses, microbrews and a pair of tickets to an indie band who sound like Band of Horses meet the cries of prison rape victims.

This years competition is especially close...

@GrandmaSideways: I would have taken you seriously if you had considered that I put the link there and then the quote because I though people might read the link based off the quote. I have read the article and many others as I had to study it occured.

@pdubs1087: not in California, they make a distinction between emergency care and medical care.

@Tijuana Taxi: now I am conflicted this classic piece of American metal or a 997 turbo for $7,ooo more...

Graber is an idiot and so is Harford County's DA. Graber initially walked away with a speeding ticket for doing 80 in a 65 while doing a wheelie. That is a fine with no points for doing what he admitted to. If he hadn't been doing a wheelie he probably wouldn't have gotten pulled over as most people drive in the upper

@Seth Bokelman: and I am not honest, but thats interesting...

Motorweek isn't bad when you take into account it is made by Maryland Public Television. This is a automotive show that shares a network with Outdoors Maryland, Art Works, Our Town, and Afternoon Tea. Its not exactly linked with F1, WRC, touring cars, and Le Mans.

silver, sleek, 3D... I think I have seen this before...

@teknoboy66: Hell, you are low balling the skill it takes to be the DC Metro. DC Metro riders get to hell and say this isn't that bad... Don't forget the trains that break down with no A/C or vents and won't let you off at 100+ degrees. Or the continuing craze of bumper trains, where the driver (probably on something)

And in the news this evening... 24 people are dead when the Lotus Exos race series started their festivities this weekend. At the end of four and a half laps that resulted in 24 deaths the sole survivor was declared winner of the race series. Currently in the intensive care unit of a local hospital, they had this to

for nearly 10 seconds I wondered why there was a bear on the side of the track...

@gornzilla: From what I remember in the California case a group of people who worked together were in a car accident in which the car rolled and landed on roof. All passengers except one were able to get out of the wreckage on their own. One woman was unconscious and thus unable to get out on her own. The other

@snap_understeer_ftw: they are deed-commuities, the deed to the house is tied to membership in the HOA. You are informed of this prior to purchasing typically by the developer in new homes or a realtor in not new construction. Agreeing to it is like smoking, you know it will kill you eventually but you still do it.

@Buickboy92: I like his volvo and his caesar dressing

When they make Ben Bailey start driving a hybrid thats when I will complain. You've gotta have limits.