@I-Roll: How could you miss the best, Alexander Ovechkin. "At Eastern Motor your job your credit"
@I-Roll: How could you miss the best, Alexander Ovechkin. "At Eastern Motor your job your credit"
Someone should remind him that as the figurehead of a publicly traded company any instability in his home life that is portrayed in the media will effect stock price and investor confidence.
@OA 5599: I completely forgot that ad ended in murder...
@fuhteng: according to wikipedia
@cubsftw: what was wrong with the "Amos" of yore, with his 70's street hustler from the hard streets of a tropical climate appearance? Clean cut just makes me wonder about his ghetto pass. I guess it is hard to stay "hard" selling chocolate chips.
@Sensei Hikaru: is that the speed of the pee or the speed traveling while peeing?
@TomasDR: I generally agree about Bugatti, but the Veyron is basically german.
@gravit8...drives with the lights on: My name is Bigfoot 5 and I approved this message.
@ieatbabies: Cruise chose a Ducati, he loves them like he loves laughing a little too hard at awkward moments. He was one of the first to get a Desmosedici RR, although I can't see him wrap his tiny legs around it.
@Mazarin: Canadians fan are laughing at their feeble riot while smoking cigarettes and complaining about the Halak trade.
@ne1245: here
safety first...
@Hart88: "LePetomaine Thruway"? Now what'll that asshole think of next? Has anybody got a dime? Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!
@ranwhenparked: What about Marge's Canyonero F Series or this (Reliant Robinish) car from the Mr. Plow Episode.
@Fodder650: My guess is a TC, based off the headlights, the vertical grill, and it being rhd in the US.
@The Cheat: I guess a couple of birds pooped on it over here.
@loosewheel: Why not? it has worked so far