@500wishes: If your name was cool breeze over the mountain you would just accept you lot in life and work on stunned looks with proper (not joey lawrence) "whoa" inflection too.
@500wishes: If your name was cool breeze over the mountain you would just accept you lot in life and work on stunned looks with proper (not joey lawrence) "whoa" inflection too.
here is another trailer
the reporter on the video looked on her GPS to make sure there was no street by that name. Really lady, you have to check to make sure there is no "eat ass" street?
Now that David Cameron has received approval from the Queen to become the prime minister, and Gordon Brown has made the walk of shame from 10 Downing St, the first official order of business will be to return all teenagers their testicles in the hopes that future videos will restore some semblance of dignity to the…
@Nick: he is wanted on murdering a customs officer, illegal arms possession, multiple charges of fraud, tax evasion, kidnapping a former business partner, and robbing the ministry of the interior of the czech republic.
pardon my ignorance but is there a reason the 911 turbo (#6) has two different tire patterns?
@comedian: that story was the premise of an episode of House
I read through the link but am still confused. Does this include fuel used as part of agriculture, i.e. farming?
@Wild_Horse_of_the_Osage: Jackie Chan could have done it lying sideways while being screamed at by two women in dubbed english
@BlueRSX: there's not a line that goes here that rhymes with anything
I am glad to see that the nearly decapitated dummy in red is "still in the car." Flying corpses are hazardous to beavers.
@irishman72: fraggle rock, classic.
my neighbor has a 2005 or 2004 w12, one day I asked him why he didn't buy the lighter A8. His response was that he didn't want most people to know how much money he made. We live in a middle class neighborhood and most just see it as a giant passat. Of course later he bought his wife an A8L. When I asked him about it…
@evoCS-Hench-Minion to the stars: I was thinking the same thing. Except closer to the Top Gear with Jamie Oliver making a salad sitting in the back of a VW bus with the stig driving.
how does positraction work?