So basically a gaming laptop... but not quite, since best gaming laptops like the Razers, Asus, MSI, Alienware... are at least $1500 (1060/2060) to over $2000 (1080/2080).
So basically a gaming laptop... but not quite, since best gaming laptops like the Razers, Asus, MSI, Alienware... are at least $1500 (1060/2060) to over $2000 (1080/2080).
pfft... laptops... lol.... true master PC race uses towers!
Don’t forget Ravens/Crows
Tom Cruise’s Edge of Tomorrow was a surprise! I watched the movie first and then found out it was based on a manga, then read the manga!
Unfortunately, this MV is only available in Japan... not in the US... :(
Welp, what do you expect? Run in and tackle a legend and come unscathed... lol Some of those wrestlers or peeps really wanted to tear him a new one!
Maybe, because Brett is 61 and super old, his body ain’t the same when he was in his 30-40’s.
Just say, “Stop! I gotta go to the bathroom. See ya!”
Easy, just get one of these for your office or home, or both!
Meh, good for them. I’ll more likely wait till it’s $5 and then play it for a week and be happy and move one or maybe not at all.
I’m still rolling in my grey aviators, sleeveless shirt, and only thing I changed are my pants to joggers (yellow) and white sneakers (yellow). I look like a buff jock running around assaulting bad guys! lol
I feel like the end will justify the means when 2020 hits. Whereas Myst, it’s been out and the story is pre-determined already. So you know it’s good or bad. I was too young and didn’t know what to do in Myst, so I may need to give it another chance to determine if it’s good. ;)
But, it’s constantly happening here in the US too, just in smaller news or if you’re a politician or somebody. On top of that we have more issues here in the US... mass shootings, drug use (Opiods, cocaine, cough medicine, etc), rape, political stuff, racism, etc...
We’re not so innocent either... US base in Japan have constant cases of military personnel being accused or doing rape... which is why they’re relocating the base in Okinawa... In California, we have drugs running affluently between US/Mexico borders and it’s not being stopped...
In japan you have people like Nobuhiro Watsuki and here in the US you have people like Jussie Smollett...
Donkey Kong, zero bananas given!
Depends, if you’re featured within an event with your name, then yes. Also if you’re getting paid, matters. I’m sure they got paid to fly over. Unless, they’re really love cosplay so much as to fly over into another country to display their cosplay! Ex. Youtubers gathering at fan events, need work visa’s.
That’s a seven letter word...
I’m in world tier 3, almost 4. he’s been bugged ever since the last cut-scene (before WT1). Also, I think around WT3, I saw him outside the shipping container, he was next to it by the table of achievements/progression. Couldn’t talk to him and he was at one point on top of the table and back down...
EA should relinquish their Star Wars license and let some other game developers handle it. Disney should bring back their gaming division or find a better publisher/developer... EA has basically screwed this license up so royally... 2-3x dropped games and only 2x battlefront to show for...