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For exclusive videos, pictures, and more, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Send us your…
When you refer to the English royal family as just “the royals” I think you’re conceding your own point.
Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.
Would have figured you as a Jizzlobber guy, Drew.
Behold the NFL referee for the 2018 season:
Have you seen a liberal attempt humor? No because that’s offensive to them. This isn’t a conservative issue. I don’t know any conservatives that want to get rid of net neutrality. This is the one biggest issue that unites all parties. The majority of every party supports net neutrality. This is one person going rogue…
A title of one of the chapters will be “Oh my God, remember Streets of Rage?”
There is no way he could have pulled a gun from that position, brought it around to the front of his body, aimed it, and shot the officer before the officer shot him. There is no rational defense for the officer’s reaction.
Everybody from the Deep South pretends like they’re descended from genteel benevolent plantation owners who treated their slaves so well that they didn’t want to stop being slaves, when in reality most of them are descended from degenerate convicts, serial debtors, and literal dirt farmers all too poor to have ever…
im not convinced she even knew what was on her website. there was some good policy on there, if she’d ran on that instead of “look at trump” she might’ve won.
A better explanation would be that (a) the Democratic Party as an organization appears to have forgotten how the electoral college works; and (b) Obama let the DNC collapse on itself while he tried to recreate it on his own terms (Organizing For America) and then let his own organization wither away. The Democrats as…
Misogyny was definitely a factor plus she was a heavily compromised, unaccomplished, full of shit mediocre politician with a fuzzy message in a year where such people weren’t tolerated among a significant part of the electorate. Ask the compromised, unaccomplished, full of shit mediocre republican politicians with…
If I had 10,000 Beanie Babies in a rubbermaid tub, I could sell them right now on eBay or Craigslist or a flea market for ~$100 in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $100. It’s not like my money is trapped in Beanie Babies or even in plush collectables.
But what are they backed by?
Btw, notice how were talking about this stupid tweet instead of Flynn’s lawyers saying they can no longer discuss the Mueller investigation with White House attorneys?
To be fair, the stone that controls time was ACTUALLY important to the way the ending of the movie played out, and in an fairly clever and even amusing way that no other Marvel film has replicated. It has the hero defeating an all-powerful villain by literally removing part of the physics equation for power: when time…
3:12 with about 11 minutes of actual game action.
I’m a “young liberal” in a flyover state and you’re just flat wrong. We understand the EC very well.
I’m on the Trump campaign mailing list and, in the last three days, I’ve had four emails from them.
I sat on grand jury in the late oughts. This is how it worked for us: