“The loudest one in the room, is the weakest one in the room.”
“The loudest one in the room, is the weakest one in the room.”
Agreed on 2 & 7.
V8 “enthusiasts” are some of the worst when it comes to gatekeeping.
I was in Italy last week and got an Audi Q5 as a rental. On a model with less than 30,000 km, it had:
Tony George has entered the chat
No Stage Racing. No Green-White-Checkers.
Grammar Police:
It isn’t biased to say the guy who drives like a dipshit drives like a dipshit
Theoretically the tracks could just scatter rocks over the tarmac runoff areas (like marbles!) and it would still be a deterrent. Next Moto race, they hoover them all up and stock pile for the next F1 race. Impractical? yes but could be done.
Part of being an amazing driver means you aren’t a giant man baby when things don’t go your way. And I don’t mean the average post race winging that most of the drivers can dip into from time to time, but the Max level BS that he spews. He may be immensely talented but its partially wasted on him. Most seasoned…
No. The blame belongs to the loose nut behind the wheel. Always has, always will.
He put mob bosses in prison before he decided to become Trump’s consigliere. And he was the mayor of NYC. Powerful is a relative term but.
Not sure Rudy was ever wealthy or powerful.
I have to admit, I am somewhat genuinely shocked to see one of the wealthy, powerful, elites - actually - face real consequences for something that they said.
It’s great some justice is being served.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole.. until Drumpf is behind bars.
How about Jon Voight’s LeBaron?
I know how this all went down:
If anyone has the personal wealth to take on the Frances, it’s Rick Hendrick. But knowing the background on Hendrick, he’s probably getting “under the table” money from Jim France. Remember, Rick Hendrick is a convicted felon for bribing Japanese executives (Honda) to get allotments of certain models to give him an…