
It's not limited to Apple. I wonder how much of this customer "rudeness" (for lack of a better word) is a result of ubiquitous internet. Nowadays, when people are miffed by a product or a person, they take to Twitter or Facebook and whine or say horrible things about it/him/her. Thanks to the perceived anonymity of

Blow me music industry. Give me something better than Bieber and we'll talk.

Agreed. Jumping ship in 3..2..1...

I'd agree, except language barriers are no excuse for bad thinking. The comment was dumb and not well researched, even after deciphering.

Actually no. I'm guessing Watson's syntax analyzer absolutely requires correct English syntax, since it struggles with parsing embedded natural language like in that modern art question.

Honestly, there is no reason you can't. A priest can just act like a psychologist and help you with whatever you're doing wrong to make a positive change in your life.

I was raised Catholic, but many years of education turned me staunchly agnostic. I do know a lot about Catholic doctrine, however, and you're missing the point.

When has Apple ever cared what anyone else was doing?

Nope. You'll still see the same $150 price tag on Ti-89s. I wish someone would mimic the functionality of one in a $10 phone app. I could finally stop having to rebuy overpriced calculators when I inevitably lose them.

The cinematics in Starcraft 2 suck. Like seriously, as much as I like and play SC2, I was legitimately angry that a company could spend that much time, talent, and money on a game only to have absolutely miserable animations.

I think AOL does a good enough job managing things like Engadget, but I still shudder when I think of what the world would be like if the only news outlets were owned by Newscorp.

I still think they should have spliced in fastforwardblowjobs instead.

I wanna meet her. And date her. And then break up with her and become a meme.

@Matt0505: I'm not sure that matters to Motorola though. If someone is so staunchly defensive of their product that they're going to nerd rage when someone offers an alternative, they probably aren't going to buy the alternative anyway.

@WUSS: Interesting since MS used to be the man, and Apple was the silly boy with flowers.

@Anaphylaxor: Pretty sure OSX would have more market share if Macs weren't PC wannabes.

My bad didn't see the disclaimer.

@Matt0505: What are they gonna do? Throw their iPads at Google?

FratPartyMusic.com. Comon guys, lets get serious.