Ugliest. Watch. Since the 90s.
Ugliest. Watch. Since the 90s.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: You are my hero.
@JBaker1225: I think they're pissed because it was a commissioned piece of art.
@calidude: I partially agree. Though I thought this was more of a protest against the military-industrial complex, which is an $800 billion federal expenditure.
@Netscott: I feel like shining a powerful laser at a digital camcorder is a poor choice.
I don't see the need. I just drink until my Evo looks thin.
@RainbowSuspenders: I think if you say "HOOAAH" you'll only sound like a marine.
@siwex80: I'd like my phone to not shatter when I drop it. Oh? Put a case one it? Ok. Wait... now the iPhone has a lumpy, rubber back.
@That Guy: I learnt all i needed from tv.
@salt_bagel: Well I guess what confused me was that we'd try it on and off, and it was clearly easier to balance and stretch with it on. And there wasn't anyone there trying to sell it, just a friend who had one. So beats me.
@JDickson87: Second only to non-profit schools.
@mrisinger: I dunno about that one, but I have a few friends who have something similar. From what I've seen in person, they seem to improve balance and flexibility. It could also be placebo, but the differences seem a little extreme.
I suggest a new name for the Evo Shift:
@bflanagh: Amazing.
@Quasigizmodo: Theory of general relativity I think. Google says:
Honestly, I feel like any upcoming dedicated mobile gaming device that doesn't follow onLive's remote computing model to be old news. Get the cloud bitches.
I can't but help notice one of the two suggested articles on the side:
I still get telemarketers calling plenty. Despite no call lists. There should be more aggressive criminal prosecution for spammers. Power to this guy.
@adgeman: As a longtime fan of videogames, Zynga makes me sad. Sad because I think their games suck and sad because they make more money than any of my games ever will.
No stealth fighter is stealth enough for Gizmodo. Jason Chen found it in a bar.