
As someone just looking on in horror from Australia, I’m beginning to be worried that nothing will stop this short of a literal armed mob storming the White House and throwing him out (not lynching or roughing him up, just picking him up and throwing him out onto the street). He doesn’t even seem to care about

I HAS to happen if there is any hope of this ending. If I thought we could get the band back together (Women’s March), I’d be down there. Someone seriously needs to gauge interest in something like this. Even a few thousand protestors could gum up the works.

exactly. everything needs to come to a grinding halt.

7 fucking days has felt like 4 fucking years! It is mind blowing!

This is a coup; it’s as simple as that. The other parts of his administration don’t even know what he’s doing. It’s time for Congress to end this week-long nightmare, already.

I can not believe this. Utter and complete chaos. Congress needs to deal with Trump and they need to do it now. Time for another march on Washington. They stay in the capitol until the situation is rectified. Period. Bar the doors.

Bannon has said in the past that his desire is to destroy America and basically rebuild from the ashes into what I guess he wants.

Even if I knew nothing of his politics and was judging solely off a picture of him, I would concur.

I donated to a charity a friend works with a few months ago, and at the end of the checkout process it had a box to share your donation on Facebook, I didn’t do it because I felt silly going “look at me, I’m such a fucking awesome guy”. Then I realized the reason to tell the world is to spread the word and get more

Telling people that you’ve donated may inspire others to do so as well. So thank you for sharing.

Take a gander down to the Justice Department and you might get a clearer idea of why there was no consultation. Homeland Security and the State Department, too. In the week that he’s been ruling by executive order and grandstanding at a GOP retreat, Trump has still not named appointees to fill *hundreds* of positions

Bannon has to be in the running for grossest person ever.

When Jezebel (and Affiliates) equal the Whole World, I’ll feel ashamed of myself for openly supporting a worthwhile cause.

What the ever loving fuck. There’s been a lot of insanity in the last week, but he’s now outright snubbing the military alongside the intelligence community. I think he’s forgotten that as far as most officers are concerned, their oath of duty is to the Constitution first, not the whims of the President.

Go fuck yourself you shitty human.

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

So many people argue that the fetus doesn’t have a choice and I fire back that the fetus isn’t capable of making that choice, so it’s up to the woman who has the cognitive thinking skills.

I refuse to call them anti-choice. They are FORCED BIRTH and nothing more. A group who claims life is so sacred they vote against literally every life saving measure for living human beings. WIC that could help millions of toddlers? Fuck ‘em says the GOP. Affordable healthcare? Fuck ‘em. Head Start programs that shows