Nah someone has tobletvem know
Nah someone has tobletvem know
So the the organization has not completely abandoned the Chief but is still making items that don’t include him. I guess that’s something.
I’ll take your word for it
Correction: Just because they’re showing their fanship does not mean they are supporting social injustice against the indigenous. It’s sports the reason for a fan to be a fan has nothing to do with politics. It’s hard to explain why one roots for a particular team but it does not fall in line with politics.
Nah dude, the following their team because that’s where they’re from. They’re not against social injustice against indigenous people.
Yea what a sensitive bitch
Is this a racial thing?
You’re gonna tell me that Brock is better than Hoyer? Get outta here, you should lose your license
I hate Trump just as much as the next person. But you can blame this shit political system for him being the Republican nominee this system is so messed up it’s f***** up I am speaking about the way that candidates are chosen and the whole delegate system
This political system is so rigged this s*** is so f***** up. People have no say in it who gets elected this s*** it’s just terrible my God is s*** is f****** s*** hole
I was a Chargers fan tonight...because of their jerseys. And bc TE #86 on my ff team.
Immediately when I scrolled down to this picture, burst out with laughter
This guy had a real high rating in NCAA 06. But I didn’t notice his sexual assault rating, that must’ve been a hidden achievement
Is it just me or does it seem like when some of these white men in power undermine what black people do when taking a knee in protest, they want them to stay silent about these real issues going on? Like they would rather they didn’t speak about it because they want to keep them down. Maybe some of them actually do…
Oh yea, forgot about that one. A lot of people are in denial, like they think that this is all purported and distorted by the media and its just not happening. I don’t see how you can think that when there are individual stories like this coming out.
Steve Smith should send Ramsey a basket of fruit after all that Sassy head nodding
If you comply with the police, you’re gonna be okay. If you don’t, then you might get shot. If you get nervous because they have a gun in your face, then they might get nervous and pull the trigger and you dead. But vast majority of the time, if you comply you’re gonna be okay. Some cops will try and bait you into…
But also maybe bc this site really doesn’t like KJ so they feel good here about him getting a pie to the face.
What a fuckin idiot this guy is. Gotta know the law bruh
i would like some credit for drafting Corey Coleman, please. Although i didn’t start him. Or Crowell. Or Stefon Diggs. :( Someone comfort me