Loved our last at-home workout but want to make use of those dumbbells you snagged before the pandemic? Here are…
Loved our last at-home workout but want to make use of those dumbbells you snagged before the pandemic? Here are…
My absolute favorite anecdote out of this whole dumpster fire of an administration is when they detained multiple CEOs for an hour while they are trying to all deal with what will likely be the most consequential global crisis of their careers just so they could tell two-scoops “thanks” on national TV. Then they held…
You forgot to say something pointlessly shitty about her being female.
Asshole in chief makes Dubya look like Winston goddamn Churchill
This is what I don’t understand, regardless about your feelings towards Democrats or Republicans, Trump is objectively bad at his job. Like terrible.
Because he’s simply not good at his job. That’s not a political perspective, either. If you know anything about interorganizational communication, watching this administration is like the Highlights Goofus cartoon version. “Goofus never informs his colleagues when he’s about to send out a statement that may impact…
Nasty. Nasty, nasty question. You’re a nasty person asking nasty questions. Remember when I fixed the economy and made Apple move iPhone manufacturing to America? I’ve also put Mike Pence in charge of keeping us all safe. Overall I’m doing fantastic with macarenavirus. Kristen Lee, she’s just not nice.
A birth certificate and 10 minutes at the Post Office gets you a passport. And then you have a passport. To get a RealID, you need seventeen forms of documentation and hours at the DMV. And then you have a slightly more useful drivers license. Kind of a no brainer to me.
Good solution, but getting the kid to drink it without the parents noticing is difficult.
I usually lean over to them and say “Shhhh, it’s going to be okay. I’m sure Trump will lose in November and your student loans will all be forgiven. Shhhh.”
Can someone explain to me what the effective rating of the flu shot is? Because it’s not jiving with me.
5 out of 5 years I’ve got the flu shot, I ended up with nasty strains of flu, generally within a week after getting the shot.
8 out of 8 years I did not get the flu shot, and I did not get the flu.
Is this a common…
I prefer to let my body figure out it’s immunity without help. My wife recently got the flu and no one in the family had the flu shot. My son and I felt like we might get it but then it was gone and I thanked my immune system. We spend a lot of time treating problems without really thinking of the longer term…
Because there isn’t any relationship or connection between coronavirus and the flu or the flu vaccine other than “iF yOu GeT sIcK nOw, yOu ArE uSiNg hEaLtHcArE tHat shOuLd Be fOr oTheR pEoPle”.
And some kid in Texas just died because he drank too much water. Drain the swamp?
You mean the flu shot that every year when people later get sick, we’re told, “Oh. Yeah, doesn’t work for the strains we’re seeing this year. Gee sorry.” Pass!
Exactly! Getting the flu shot isn’t going to give you any more peace of mind against the coronavirus than NOT getting the flu shot. If you’re going to panic and assume your coughing is the coronavirus, you’re going to do that regardless.
I’m all for the flu shot and people who don't get it for anti vax reasons are the worst, but this article is just dumb.
“If you get your flu shot, you may have a bit more peace of mind if you start coughing.”
And the time to do it. Then the mechanical work and parts.
turn a $500 parsh into a $3000 one!