
No Google is special - they run the internet :(

Or if you want a little more control:

I should try this on myself - I’m far from being a teenager.

Yes, this would go a long way in making them clean up their act.

Reuse is better than recycling. Recycling is not a magic bullet. If at all possible reuse. Recycling still consumes energy and generates waste. It’s nowhere near 100% efficient. Recycling should be last resort.

Ask 10 money gurus how to convert $1 to $2, and you’ll get 11 different answers.

Step 1. Have someone paint the windows logo on your cheek

Agreed, this naming convention is retarded.

That’s good to know!

That address bar needs to go black or at least dark too. It’s really no better than the 3rd party themes otherwise.

I like these. I’m not a fan of stationary exercises like planks, and these seem like an improvement in many ways.

I’ve found that targeting the same muscle group after 2 days of rest (for that group) removes the soreness almost completely.

Get off the coffee. It’s a death spiral. The half life of coffee is 5-10 hours. And it will affect your ability to fall asleep.

Does Google Voice support it?



Interesting idea, I’d like to try out. But, where do I read them? I can’t remember the last time I got a physical newspaper.

True. It’s just easier to pick a battle at a time and pick an easy one with significant impact.

My pet peeve is styrofoam cups, plates, etc. They last forever and are used exactly once. Styrofoam is evil.

I’ve been happy with stablehost and arvixe for basic shared hosting. For VPS I really like VPSdime and SSDnodes. They are very well priced and have been very reliable.