
Every time we get a game that looks like this I sit back and wonder why no one has made a good fantasy adventure game for Redwall yet.

Oregon is horrible. Do not come here. Certaintly do not move here. You won’t like it. It’s horrible. Nobody should move here.

On behalf of the Oregon Tourism Commission- thanks!!! I just passed this article onto my folks at Travel Oregon. W+K was the lead on this- with some great animators. It’s not only Ghibli that was an inspiration but also “Your Name”. The Oregon Symphony did the accompaniment- so it was a full orchestra. Come visit us!

Damn that job creation measure!

Mike Aruba!


Multi-lingual is quite common outside the United States. We just do a really crappy job at teaching language in this country. 

Except for the fact that trade across the Indian Ocean has led to pockets of African Hindu communities over the centuries.

Yes the Romans literally were like “Oh I like the Greek religion, this is our religion now - we’re just changing the names. Zeus you’re now Jupiter, Ares you’re now Mars”. Until they were like those Christians have got something going we’re them now, except all our old festivals stay the same we’re just going to

Ta-da~! For anyone who’s actually waiting. lol

Nice to know even ants have better health coverage than Americans.

Two words: Food allergies. The US government doesn’t have the resources to individually cater to millions of people’s dietary needs.

Where is the eggplant in this list?

I have a far more beneficial way to benefit from the #SOTU speech tonight: don’t watch it. It’s going to be filled with lies and ego-stroking platitudes the likes of which even the most intractable of politicians has never even conceived.