
Apparently, the student had opened a window, when a roach broke into her room and started flying about (yes, roaches in Taiwan can fly).

Someone teach me to say "Put all the marshmallows in a separate container." in Japanese and I will order this.

I notice one plug is grey. Could it be that they are using one for power and one soley for data?

Piracy is a crime, Mr. Ashcraft.

Couldn't resist

I was at FanimeCon and I would like to donate this image to the lovely readers of Kotaku :D

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

Bayonetta 2 North American Release date, Bayonetta in smash.

You know, I've found that before I owned a 3DS, my left eye was stronger than my right, and I was unable to see 3D. After using the 3DS for a bit over a year, both eyes are now equal in strength and I can see 3D perfectly. In my case, the 3DS improved my vision.

"Better than flappy birds"

There Are No Clean Getaways

A friendly reminder: please position your sick and elderly in the middle of the road so that they can participate in the annual Euthanasia Day.

Dr. Strangeluigi or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wii U

If only some sort of external device could hook up to it to store additional data... Oh wait..