
I got mine and the display stopped working withing just a couple weeks. I’ve already processed the repair and should be getting a replacement shipped out today. It’s weird that the display (not the touchscreen part of the display - just the picture) already failed. I had the top end model.

Welp, while I’m fine with the new tracks, PC users have already modded the old tracks into the game. It’s just a matter of replacing the audio files.
On Yuji Naka, he even shared a picture from the helicopter ride to Neverland Ranch to clarify that MJ was involved:

The correct item here would be Teams - which Apple will have a  much harder time replacing in the majority of the corporate world. 

Yeah but this is just ridiculous

Probably not the only person to think of male and female anatomy when I see these designs. I do like the concept of flying serpent creatures but I can only imagine the inappropriate memes that are gonna come out of this.

“Don’t forget to stay for the post-post-credits scene credits.”
- Slash Vilm

I posted this a while ago - before I had done a lot of research. Plus, it has come up in the news a lot more since then.

This has been confirmed to be the retro engine remakes with Headcannon completing the S3&K remakes per Christian Whitehead. I was worried they were gonna try something else but this makes me confident that these will be good.

As someone who’s flown on China Eastern out of Kunming not that long ago this is pretty terrifying. It’s a fairly decent airline so this not something you would imagine happening. I pray for all the passengers and hope they are able to determine the cause.

This is the first time I’ve heard about the Azov Battalion and upon reading on it I don’t feel very good. Aside from the hypocrisy of how most of Western Europe is treating the refugee crisis from Ukraine compared to refugees from non-white / non-Christian origins, I can see why major news outlets haven’t even name

Yay. This is the first Playstation game I ever played. I still have never accomplished obtaining all characters (it requires running through the game like 3 times). Definitely going to get this.

They could use all those GPUs to work to cure cancer like the Folding at Home project.... but where’s the benefit in that amiright?

Yeah, I typoed that badly.

Speaking of the Animatrix, when Naomi is talking about machines who sided with the humans, I briefly saw a machine that looked just like the one in ‘Matriculated’ from the Animatrix (the one who they are attempting to convert).

There’s been rumors about this stuff for decades. I remember having a very uncomfortable conversation with a parent of one of my kid brother’s friends who explained about all the details. Kotaku had an article about it a while back:

The forecast for the summit of Mauna Loa, the highest point in Hawaii, calls for wind gusts to reach an astounding 160 mph (258 kph).

Just don’t put the failsafe on the outside this time ok?

Neo has got to be in it.

I thought this article was going to be about the Hot Coffee thing.

So, I was a bit obsessed with his music. I collected 20 plus albums over the years.