
I’ve submitted to paying the $20 a month just so my kids don’t have to see some damn ads. That’s like double Netflix cost for something that we didn’t used to have to deal with. 

Hey, ‘For All Mankind’ is a damn good show. I feel that not enough people are aware of it as Apple hasn’t been doing a great job at hyping it - rather focusing on ‘The Morning Show’. I might be a niche audience I suppose. 

Well, I have that for the Wii-U which was one of the best versions of that game.

Man... the complexity kinda solidifies me not being able to get really good with him. Since Ness in the first Smash Bros, any fighter requiring an additional level of complexity for recovery or whatever becomes too difficult for me to get good at. When playing something like a fighting game, my brain just can’t deal

Definitely a gen-z think. Like - all of my nieces and nephews play it or spend hours watching people play it. I played it almost a decade ago but I just don’t have that kind of time anymore.

I would say Lunar: Eternal Blue is the argument for the Sega CD. The soundtrack was so good that it was barely changed for the remake.

I remember my older brother telling me how he was watching the German version of Sesame Street with his kids and an adult was working on something and said ‚Scheiße‘ in frustration.

I just recently finished the first one on Switch so this is perfect timing.

I’ve played it a little bit but more just to check it out after playing 3D World - it seams like fun but I didn’t really get that much into it. I played the New Super Mario games but i could never get into the games from console generations I missed. 64 especially just looks bad (also Final Fantasy 7) so without nostal

I’m like the opposite - I’ve played 3D World, but never really played the 3 games in this pack.. I played all of the classic ones to death but missed a few generations of gaming in-between.

Half of it is Train Simulator or similar DLC.

My family had that same exact blue bug - minus the roof rack. We could fit our entire family of six in there - though it probably wasn’t very safe by today’s standards. I was the smallest at the time and would lie down in the gap between the back window and the back seat. This just needs the engine to catch fire once

OK, I’m way more excited about this than all the Mario stuff. I don’t need more nostalgia - this is all new! Mostly - we do know how it ends :-(

I thought the catch was that it would only play if you were pregnant 😂.

Potential for Anything was my ringtone for the longest time. So epic. 

Forget blue shells - cat getting in the way is the ultimate obstacle.


Bah.. I remember back in the early 90s when I was doing a computer course our instructor had this transparent LCD display that would sit on top of a standard overhead projector to display the computer screen on the whiteboard. They are trying to act like this is some new tech. It would be cool to see these like at a

I’ve been on here for a couple years and I’m still in the greys. Tis a mystery.   

I know how you feel on that one. I did the layout for a 200 page coffee table book and spelled Foreword as Forward. All the text had gone through the editor multiple times but that title wasn’t part of it when I was putting it together. During the final edit run when I sent him the pdf so he do a final proof, he