It’s a pretty fun platformer with an engaging story. Lots of secrets and endings as well as some brutally difficult dungeons and bosses.
It’s a pretty fun platformer with an engaging story. Lots of secrets and endings as well as some brutally difficult dungeons and bosses.
No you are not. Megaman Legends 1&2 were the best.
That trailer has a lot of... interesting imagery. I don’t know how to feel about this.
I don’t know anything about the first game, but good god I am in love with the art style of the world. Ancient South and South East Asian architecture in a futuristic setting is so awesome. It’s a nice change from the super shiny modern or cyberpunk designs of most sci-fi
‘The Girl and the Robot’ and ‘Earthlock: Festival of Magic’
That BMO with full length arms and legs is just nope
Two Kickstarter games I backed are coming out within the next month on the WiiU
Well it’s not their fault. The no spin zone was O’Riley’s thing and he’s fired now.
I like how the Dragon Quest ports work where it’s more just swipe or tap the region of the screen where you want to go. It works better with traditional random battle rpgs, but not so well for action rpgs though.
Wow, nice pic from the island where I was born.
Can you just switch to a European language on any version of the game? I speak Italian so if that is a better dub I wouldn’t mind that (Italian anime dubs are usually pretty good).
I’ve backed some 30 game projects on Kickstarter and so far only one (Midora) has properly failed. And for that one they at least shared the unfinished version with the backers. One of the projects I backed was even one of those $5000 goal projects that nobody expects to work. I got a great game, a cool t-shirt and…
That seams a bit of a rip off since the going rate for gold would make it around $700,000 for 33 pounds. That’s a lot of money for the workmanship.
When I hear ‘the good one’ I wonder if it’s the original or the CGified 2.0 version.
When I hear ‘the good one’ I wonder if it’s the original or the CGified 2.0 version.
I actually got really far in Sewer Shark (it was one of the only Sega CD games I had). I got to one of the videos with the boss character (who was always stuffing his face in every scene, even if he was riding a jet ski or surfing) and the video froze with a disk read error. There were no save points and that point…
If it’s the one I’m thinking about, I was trying to do it that way till I figured out that there was a bucket I could use to lift the balls from the water with magnesis.
Me too. Though I like Italian dubs of anime even better. Part of that is because anime was popular in Italy long before it became big in the US (since they didn’t have a lot of locally produced animation) so the voice acting is usually pretty good.
I’ve had this one for the last 5 years. Pretty happy with it.
Well, my brother over in India will be happy about this. I’ve bought the game in the US, but over there, if you don’t live in one of the major cities it’s pretty hard to find a Wii-U - what to speak of a Switch.
Never mind. I just spotted the L4 Rabbite label in Japanese at the very end.