Wow. There are very few people I know of that have the Neo-Geo console with those ginormous cartridges.
Wow. There are very few people I know of that have the Neo-Geo console with those ginormous cartridges.
Why haven't I seen this case before. Now I must have it!
Having only been in Chicago twice in my life (once for a Transformers convention), I can confirm with all false authority that this description rings true. In the same vein, having a co-worker who lives in Portland, Oregon uniquely qualifies me to validate its description as a Nintendo game.
Lame. I bought that one for the Wii-U. I was hoping for a new game.
Dang it Kotaku, you need to stop posting all these awesome Kickstarter projects. I have backed like 20 already - none of which are released yet. I'm running out of money!
Yeah, at my work we have a butload of 2850s that are prime for tossing. And soon we will have a lot of 2950s that will be obsoleted once our vBlock (5 racks of POWWWEERRR!!!) is fully up .
If only I was 5 years younger I would have had access to that awesome tool at his age. The best my 12 year old self could do was make a choose your own adventure game in Hypercard or sprite animation in Logo.
I sucks too since it's such a missed opportunity.
From what I've seen, it looks like a very different story from what Xenoblade was. The original game took place entirely on two giant creatures that were standing in the middle of the ocean. This game goes all over the place (SPAAACCCEE!!!) and from earlier trailers it doesn't (appear to) have the two giant creatures.
I don't understand all the 'looks like shit' comments. This looks pretty nice to me. Maybe I'm too out of date.
One thing that EA needs to step up it's game on is cross platform gaming (I'm talking about PCs). Take for example Sim City 4. I can buy the game on Steam and play it on my Mac, but my copy on Origin is Windows only. Their Mac library consists of the new Sim City, Sims, and some Popcap games. I know that they think…
For me the worst thing are those giant centipedes. I'm not fucking looking up a picture to post because nope.
Sigh.... Still waiting for the WiiU version to release.
Reminds me of this
I got my degree in Game Design, but this article here is why I'm working in IT as a System Administrator, not in the industry. My instructor, who was working for a now defunct studio while he was teaching part time, was subject to one of these 'downsizing' events - twice. That gave me a pretty good idea if how the…
They would fly in the Philippines. The locals would call them flying dates. Don't ask why.
Yeah. The external hard drive I have plugged into the Wii for *cough* storage needs to use both USB ports to get enough juice.
I have a wireless gamecube controller that works great. This will let me use it without buying a new .
It looks like it has four types of connectors: DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI and Dual-Link DVI.
They previewed the latest upcoming update that allows you to go straight to the most used games right away after powering on - without lodging the full interface. It looks to improve things a lot.