
These are the powerful animal haunches you are thinking of...

wagons aren’t making a comeback.

So far so good.

Next week:

Hey look! It the guy’s douche bag!

PC will push the limit even further.

Next question?


I don't think I've ever unironically used the word "adorable" when describing a car, but these these things are fucking adorable.

Ah, the HR-V! I think we may have a winner, ladies and gents.

I'm utterly in awe of the GTR and it's ability to offer stratospheric performance while still remaining practical and cheap given what you get. I even like the way it looks, it's really grown on me over the years.

Wow! Glad you are ok.

I know exactly what happened. He hit the gas instead of the brake, therefore he can blame this on a floor mat made by Toyota and GM will then issue a recall for it.

Good to see he's still in action.

Do you know who wins either way?

"Knob" - I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the british idioms and expressions, it's so refreshing to hear "bloody hell" instead of "fucking shit".