
Once I was driving home from work and a guy came and did a burnout around me while I was sitting an an intersection.

They show off those supercars a lot, but it looks like there are a disturbing amount of Austalian cars in this game :D

Why do American supercar companies seem so intent on scamming the world?

Not even. They have an uncanny nack of ending up in front of cars. Sometimes you’ll see one, and it will just be sitting there, and right as you’re about to pass it it will jump onto the road.

Even Australia? Kangaroos love that shit. The goal of every kangaroo is to eventually be hit by a car.

Gotta be Verstappen’s fault right? Not only did he get a terrible start, he inexplicably moved to his right, sandwhiching all the cars that tried to get around him.

The existence of the articles lead to lawsuits. You’re saying the removal of them will encourage law suits.

Everyone should get an MR2. 2 boots, both completely split from the passenger compartment.

I suppose it depends what he wants. Plenty of manufacturers will sell you a mid-mounted V8. Porsche don’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea.

Ah c’mon now, that’s not fair! He was very concerned for the residents of Castle Black. He knew that leaving the wildlings out there would result in them becoming part of the undead army marching towards them. It was concern for their future safety, not their present feelings.

Love the Halo mention. So many PCMASTERRACE basement-dwelling neckbeards will tell you it’s a filthy casual game because it’s on consoles. But jesus, the game design. The things they got right! They nailed so much of it.

It should not have taken you that long.

To carry on after watching the whole thing...

How do they make such an expensive car, and make you pay extra for a side mirror? I just don’t get it.

This is dead on. You can drive through puddles all day too. Reasonable puddles anyway.

I dunno. It looks like a kit car or a track toy or something. Would someone pay $1million for this?

I had a girlfriend once with an E36 3-series compact, with reverse in the same position. More than a few times I went left-up but didn’t go far enough left-up, ended up in first and went forwards instead of backwards.

Holy shit. I live around the corner from Frankston, I go past that dealership daily. People call it Franghanistan, it has a reputation for being the worst place on earth. That given, this story isn’t entirely shocking for me.

Thanks Kinja for not imagizing that for me