
It’s not even that! I’ve been in karts that instantly limit your power when you’re on both pedals at the same time. They’re literally making it slower than using one then the other.

I thought the idea was less about a usable number, and more about a number that can be used for comparison. As long as every car is tested in the same fashion, the number can be used for comparison, even if it “may vary” (which it always will depending on use).

“let’s see if my peeps in New York know this guy”

I had both. I crashed my ‘90 without airbag, and got a ‘94. I loved the learn wheel on the early car, the later one was gross.

The problems with these people are:

I agree. I have an MR2, and before that a 300ZX, both non-turbo. Both are fast enough. Both can be steered with the throttle and will take you to 200km/hr on a relatively short stretch of road.

Jay Leno called it “like driving on ice” after wiping out in one on the Talladega Speedway

Jesus motorbikes look dangerous

It does solve one of the big problems - that you can’t really glance to the side in most racing games.

Is this really a 308 GTS? The GTS is a targa, has a black roof panel. This does not.

an engine initially designed by Hyundai back in the second Bush Administration

I agree. More ruined castle than open plains (as per SOTC)

But it’s not as simple as going through all that nonsense. Maybe that’s worst case, but best case is you get 5 phone calls the day you list it and it’s gone the day after. And nothing goes wrong with the transaction itself, just as nothing goes wrong for the majority of these transactions.

There’s a common theme here: if you try to fix a problem without diagnosing it properly, you’re wasting time and money.

My god, a reasonably stock 300ZX. And with the 3rd brake light panel still black and not faded red!

The LF-A wasn’t that, it had all sorts of weird proportions, the headlights look out of place, the vent behind the door has a weird shape to it. I think it works but it’s not boring in styling and it’s certainly not elegant nor well proportioned.

It’s about weight vs force. Force = mass * acceleration.

A lot of posts here have missed the point entirely.

But are these really the best you’ve ever seen? I like these sorts of photos too, but the beamer shot in the original post is a very different league.

That TG joke is particularly cruel. They know we’re craving information about it, and that the show’s structure could very well change at this point.